
Showing posts from November, 2018


In the book what stuck with me after reading it was John Valjean situation before he went to jail and how when he came out he was different, because I did not understand at first but reading it, now I somewhat understand what happened with John Valjean and his story.


My experience of beginning to work in the lit cirxle is good. We read the book and then we discuss the parts we got and contribute if any of us found a part for the other, if that person missed it . We discuss a part if we dont understand it . Being in the lit circle I think it will be good to read the book quicker.


Why is the world full of hatred?


I remember a few situations the bishop was in, in each chapter. The bishope had to go in the mountains to go and preach so if he ran into the bandits he would convince them to return the "treasure " from the catherdal. Then he went an hour from the town to talk to a national conventionist who was named G---. The bishop heard the news that he was dying and decided to give him a visit. They talked about belief and what they thought was wrong on what he did before. The next few weeks the bishop heard the people talk that there was a traveler that arrived and that he has had criminal records.


What stays after reading a book are big scene, like things that happened that were talked bout the most . Its difficult to explain but I remember at least something that happened in each chapter  have read in the book we are reading. what doesn't stay is the other smaller scenes like a conversation bu its just instead of memorizing everything from the book  shorten it and just remember the short version.


A connection between the french revolution and the book Les  Mis is that the principal events in the book took place in 1832 where the French revolution began with the storming of the Bastille. The second connection is the elephant of the Bastille. It was conceived by Napoleon in 1808 and it was intended to be created out of bronze and and placed in the palace. Only a plaster full -scale model was built which was immortalized in the book. the author described it in a negative way.

Summary part.1

The book Les Miserable starts off with describing Charles M. Myriel who went on a trip to Paris. when he returned as a priest. after he went to the Cardinal French on behalf o his parishioners. one day the emperor had come for a visit and met M. Myriel . sometime afterwards M. Myriel was overwhelmed with surprise that he was appointed Bishop of Digne. Then M. Myriel arrived to Digne he was accompanied by an old women, madmosielle Baptestine who was his sister. their only domestic was a women named Madame Malgiore who was a servant now had to take a double tittle of femme de chamber of Mademoiselle and housekeeper of monseigneur. after the installation was completed the town was curious to meet their new bishop at work. Days after his arrival the bishop had visited the hospital. the bishop received 15,000 Frances and he gave 10 percent to the poor and kept the 90 percent in a budget. the bishop would leave his doors unlocked and both Mademoiselle and Madam Baptistine were worried some...


The definition of succes is being happy after getting where you finally achieved to be . After coming a long way to achieve something you really wanted then you are finally content with yourself and happy.     " success is the self satisfaction that is the direct result of mind in knowing that you have done your best to become the best that your capable of becoming " - coach


The most interesting part about their conversation is where they know the truth but don't offend each other. They do but they agreed in a part of the


The pages I read was giving and exact idea of the bishop of Digne's house. What his schedule is , he gets up and  goes to the the sick, afflicted and the needy. The rest of his time he would give to work . He would garden, read, or write . At noon he would eat his lunch . Then after he would go for a walk and every child,  boy or girl would go out the door and await for him. He never went out without his viloet cloak . A laf-past eight he would have supper with his sis ter and behind him stood madame Magloire.  Madam Magloire would cool him some excellent fish from the lakes or from the mountain with vegatables or bread. He would chat with Mademoiselle Baptistine and Madam Magloire for a bit after supper then to his room and write.


What maked a story compelling is the suspense and details of the paragraph that describes it . Without it the book would be simple . Readers would want suspense that compels them to keep wanting to read the book . Or try to figure out what may happen next .