The katha Upanishad qualifies as an allegory because it has death as a character but it's not really a character just a metaphor, explaining what death may be.  For example, when Yama is talking to Nachiketa he asks him if he would still exist after death. Then Nachiketa doesn't want to tell him because it was a secret . He kept on insisting to know the truth about death . When death appears as a character to explain what happens, it's like a metaphor because it's not really there and no one knows what will happen after death. When our mother gives birth to us she is sentencing us to death. Which is why Yama insisted on wanting to know what will happen after death  .
  The other reason it qualifies as an allegory is how Nachiketa symbolizes what's best about being a teenager. He doesn't tell Yama the secret if they exist after death or not. He does tell Yama to wish for anything else . For example, he says " You can have all the girls, money or anything else " . Just not the secret of death. Yama doesn't want all that because he knows it doesn't last forever and it's just untill that person is gone. So it's better to wish for something any person thinks about then wishing for pleasures that may be only for a while. He may want that but it wouldn't be his happiness the whole time. He was young but he wanted to ask for otherthings before asking for pleasures or more than that.
  Another reason Katha Upanishad qualifies as an allegory is because of religion .
 He was a seeker of self eternal and he renounced all his desires to win the eternal. So Yama, told Nachiketa a he sees the gates of joy  opening for him. Yama asks for him to teach him right from wrong .
 The last reason I think Katha Upanishad is an allegory is because realizing about the self  after death. At the need of the story death explains how everything would be of happen to the person after death and only a few would see the self.  He explains everything to Yama. For example he says , " the all knowing self was never born, nor will it die. The self is eternal and immutable." Yama also says, " the wise realize through meditation the timeless self."  Which can mean that when the self can only be detained by those it chooses. And untill then it reveals itself.


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